The History of the Old South Church in Boston: in Four Sermons, Delivered May 9, & 16, 1830,...
by Wisner, Benjamin Blydenburg
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Historical Sketch of Mount Olivet Presbyterian Church, Located Seven Miles North of Winnsbor...
by Stevenson, Charles Archibald
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1669-1882 an Historical Catalogue of the Old South Church (third Church) Boston
by Andrews Hill, Hamilton, Fre...
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History of the Old South Church (third Church) Boston, 1669-1884: Volume Ii.
by Hill, Hamilton Andrews
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History of the Old South Church (third Church) Boston, 1669-1884: Volume I.
by Hill, Hamilton Andrews
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Fortune of the Republic: Lecture Delivered at the Old South Church, March 30, 1878.
by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
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